Fresh Bread: Your Kingdom Come (1-18) - By Raymond Mccullough

Fresh Bread 2: Your Kingdom Come 27 (WHM 20) – The church must change!



Episode 27 in the series: Paul, in Colossians 1 and Ephesians 5,  and Peter, in 2 Peter 3, state that the church will be presented to the Messiah 'pure and spotless, without blemish or wrinkle'  – which is not an accurate description of the church at present! The church has a very poor reputation among the Jews.  We need to seek God for His love for Israel to be released in us – it does NOT come naturally.  We are meant to provoke the Jews to jealousy by how we live, which is not likely if we are still steeped in paganism and pagan celebrations.  We need to search the scriptures and get back to our biblical Hebrew roots.  It is US who have been grafted in to Israel, NOT the other way around. If we are not willing to buckle down to this, I believe the Lord, in His graciousness, will allow us to experience persecution to accomplish it – 'everyone who wants to live a godly life in the Messiah Yeshua WILL be persecuted.' -------------------- with music from: Clandes