Fresh Bread: Your Kingdom Come (1-18) - By Raymond Mccullough

Fresh Bread 2: Your Kingdom Come 26 (WHM 19) – The greatest prophet of all



Episode 26 in the series: Yeshua fulfilled all the prophetic requirements of the Messiah, the Anointed One – coming from the tribe of Judah (through his mother, Miriam), at the appointed time, preceded by John the Baptist, etc. John witnessed the Holy Spirit descending upon Yeshua and remaining upon him – the sign to John that this was the One. He declared himself to be “greater than Solomon,” “greater than Jonah” – in fact, to be the Son of God! He could not have been deceived, or a deceiver, and still be a ‘good man’ or a prophet.  He was and is who he said he was. He foretold the destruction of Jerusalem, but also that the Jewish nation would NOT be destroyed. He promised that he would return to receive his own and the angel at his ascension promised that Yeshua would return to the Mount of Olives, just as he left it.  When Zechariah describes this he refers to YHWH himself descending to the Mount – confirming that Yeshua is God! He warn