Whine With Kelly

Whine With Kelly x Quick Nip



WWK Quick Nip this week (nip? small bottle of wine? short episode? Get it? Ha ha ha ha. This week Kelly talks a bit about the tvparty app that you must download before next week'd Bachelor In paradise. Link below.  https://www.tvpartyapp.com/ ALSO she discusses how easy it would be to date Cara Delevigne (Shoutout Ashley Bensen for locking her down), Brides are going insane and think they should cut their hair at their weddings, and Self Love Pinky Rings are the death of us all. Download the tvparty app for all of your favorite shows, specifically #BIP for next week!! Remember to check out @kelly.keegs IGTV every week for Bachelor in Paradise recaps, and whinewithkelly.com for ~*blogs*~ FOLLOW @kellykeegs @whinewithkelly @kmclhinney @ksteinbauer47 www.whinewithkelly.com