Whine With Kelly

Whine With Kelly x New Year, Same Shit



Join Kelly as she comes back HOT with a lot of drama that happened over the holiday break. Paris Hilton is engaged, Billy Joel's daughter is engaged, Kylie Jenner is probably dead but is somehow still making lipsticks, The Bachelor is BACK with a quick premiere episode recap, Spongebob on Broadway shit talk, Black Mirror appreciation & a quick shout out to all of the pounds we've gained during the Christmas season. Wine Of The Week: Anything you can get your hands on to help you get through the first week back after vacation Follow @kelly.keegs on instagram for WEEKLY Live Insta Story Recaps after the bachelor on Mondays (I will do these as long as people watch them, otherwise i'll KMS from embarrassment) FOLLOW @kellykeegs @whinewithkelly @kmclhinney @ksteinbauer47 www.whinewithkelly.com