Kicking Goals With Georgia Perry

You Are Enough by Imogen Van Haagen



Happy Wednesday Happy Humans! Today I had coffee on the couch with Imogen Van haagen the proud Founder and Managing Director of 20Fit Australia. Immy has an incredible journey that is built on the three values of love, empowerment and integrity. Although, it wasn’t always this way. Being one of thirteen and in a family who was constantly moving schools and states, Immy found it difficult to fit in and believe that she was worthy. Immy would often lie to family members and make choices she regretted. After completing the Land Mark personal development course Immy was able to pin point the time at school where she was put down by others and began the journey of self doubt and negative self worth. This mind frame continued throughout high school. Through the course she then began to rewire her mind to believe she is enough, she can achieve great things and she can create the future of her dreams. Immy is now inspiring and mentoring others to do the same. She has also opened up her own business and started