One Movie Punch

Episode 686 - Noctambulist (2019)



Hi everyone! Welcome back to our Indie Wednesday coverage, where we feature microbudget and independent films overlooked by most media outlets. Today’s review will feature 2019’s NOCTAMBULIST, a film by Johnny Daggers. Last year we featured a review of his documentary film BLOOD ON THE REEL (Episode #612), as part of Reign of Terror 2019, but it was clear he was most excited to talk about his latest film. So, over break, I gave it a second viewing, and made sure to place it on the calendar this year to feature this silent noir horror, or noirror, film. I’ll even be featuring some snippets from our full interview with Johnny Daggers, available on our Patreon page in two parts, episodes P012 and P013. If you love silent films, especially German expressionist pictures, then you’ll love today’s film. Before the review, we’ll have a quick promo from our good friend Kolby Told Me, one of our biggest supporters for the podcast last year, as demonstrated by his near domination of the Follow Friday boards. You can fin