One Movie Punch

Episode 677 - Judy (2019)



Hi everyone! Welcome back for our continuing Golden Globes coverage. By now, the awards have been announced, and everyone is chatting up a storm. Be sure to check out our congratulatory posts for all the winners we’ve reviewed, and the schedule for reviewing the remaining winners, if needed. We covered about seventeen of thirty-four films that were nominated this year. As part of that coverage, we’ll be welcoming back Ryan L. Terry to the podcast, with his first of two reviews this month covering Golden Globe nominees. Today, Ryan will be covering JUDY, but be sure to tune in next week for his review of WHERE’D YOU GO, BERNADETTE? And for a few reviews from Ryan last year, check out KNIFE + HEART (Episode #542), I KNOW WHAT YOU DID LAST SUMMER (Episode #614), and THE GOOD LIAR (Episode #662). His promo will run before the review. Subscribe to stay current with the latest releases. Contribute at Patreon for exclusive content. Connect with us over social media to continue the conversation. Here we go! ///// > /