Creative Conversational Marketing (audio)

Drift Chat Tutorial: Chatbot Actions Deep Dive



Head on over to our conversational Masterclass. 30 days of our best videos to up your conversational marketing game: Need some help with Drift or Conversational Marketing? Hop on over and learn more about what we do for companies just like yours: Here’s a link to the Conversational Marketing / Chatbot Template: Transcript: What's up everybody? Remington from impulse creative, and today we're going to talk about the drift chat deep dive into Chat Bot actions. Now there's a lot of different things you can do with conversational marketing and drift and drift has a whole bunch of tools that they're adding into the middle of the conversations to allow for you to leverage the conversation more effectively and do a variety of things, and so we're going to do is we're going to dive deep into each one of these actions in this tutorial can use actions throughout the entire Bot conversation to trigger diffe