One Movie Punch

Episode 689 - The Two Popes (2019)



Hi everyone! Welcome back for our final review of the week. I wasn’t sure what to make of today’s film when I first saw a trailer for it. A comedy about the Catholic Church right now seems like a weird idea, especially given the near constant scandal they continue to struggle with from decades of covering up child abuse. But once I learned that it would be dealing with the scandal directly, and the first of many shakeups to follow, I knew I would have to give it a viewing. And I’m really glad I did. Before the review, we’ll have a promo from our good friend Rory Mitchell, from the Mitchell Report Unleashed podcast. They were gracious enough to have yours truly on as a guest recently, which you can check out in Mitchell Report Unleashed Episode #173. You can follow Rory on Twitter @officallyrory, on Facebook @mitchellreportunleashed, and on Instagram @re3684. You can also subscribe to the podcast at Don’t miss a single episode of his insightful interview-driven show. Subscribe to stay