CGM Digital Network Megafeed

MetAnon Int06 – Phil Reed



In the sixth episode of our interview series, we visit with industry veteran Phil Reed of Steve Jackson Games. Phil shares some of his experiences as a game designer and what it’s like to work for an industry legend, discusses some of the challenges of administrating such a prolific company with a broad variety of products, and talks about the passions and triumphs of toy collecting. Phil also lets us in on the latest developments in the highly anticipated release of Ogre and some of SJG’s other upcoming projects.  Metagamers Anonymous is a weekly podcast dedicated to tabletop roleplaying games and (mostly) related material. Feel free to post any comments or questions to our forum, or drop us a line   Links from the show: Steve Jackson Games Ronin Arts The Ogre Kickstarter page and the amazing Complete Larry Elmore Artbook Kickstarter!