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MetAnon Int05 – Shane Hensley



In the fifth episode of our interview series, we pick up the phone and have a conversation with Shane Hensley ofPinnacle Entertainment Group.  Shane shares some of his experiences designing both tabletop and computer RPGs, talks Deadlands and Savage Worlds, and discusses a few of his insights into Kickstarter, the publishing business, and licensing.  Shane is also kind enough to throw some very cool prizes into our Holiday Giveaway prize package. Metagamers Anonymousis a weekly podcast dedicated to tabletop roleplaying games and (mostly) related material. Feel free to post any comments or questions to our forum, or drop us a line at     Links from the show: Pinnacle Entertainment Group Savage Worlds Deluxe: Explorer’s Edition Pinnacle’s Deadlands Reloaded catalog Rippers Gaslight Victorian Fantasy Fantasy Grounds Virtual Tabletop and Zombie Run