CGM Digital Network Megafeed

MetAnon Ep17 – Party Politics



In our seventeenth regular episode of Metagamers Anonymous, the cast talks about party politics and how to use them to enhance character development. We also present the newest prizes for our holiday giveaway, discuss some of the challenges the girls face in the world of geek fandom, and talk about a few of the recent posts on our forum. Metagamers Anonymous is a weekly podcast dedicated to tabletop roleplaying games and (mostly) related material. Feel free to post any comments or questions to our forum, or drop us a line     Links from the show: Gamerstable The Carpe GM Gamecast Vist the forum to contribute to the Tsunami City Project! Post a contest entry on our Facebook page! Never Unprepared: The Complete Game Masters Guide to Session Prep G*M*S Magazine Nyerd: The Podcast of Tabletop Culture 2 GMs, 1 Mic The Hillfolk Kickstarter Page Kicking It: Successful Crowdfunding and the School Bites Kickstarter!