CGM Digital Network Megafeed

Metanon – Ep #11



In our eleventh episode of Metagamers Anonymous, the cast tackles the complex challenges of player engagement.  Additionally, we touch on some of the latest developments in the Kickstarter world – including a more in-depth look at Monte Cook’s new project – and we take a hardcore look at the controversial topic of gaming etiquette with special guest Dan Whorl from CarpeGM! Metagamers Anonymous is a biweekly podcast dedicated to tabletop roleplaying games and (mostly) related material. Feel free to post any comments or questions to our forum, or drop us a line at     Links from the show: Numenera: A New Roleplaying Game from Monte Cook Wild Card Creator An Elevator to Space! Never Unprepared: The Complete Game Master’s Guide to Session Prep Carpe GM Gamecast and their contest Lords of Waterdeep Zombie Dice The Burrow: Gifts for Geeks And, once again, RPG Circus!