Dear Art Producer

041: Haley Silverman, Freelance Integrated Producer



Haley Silverman joins the podcast to share her experience working as a freelance integrated producer in many different agencies. She speaks to the industry changes she has seen, the most important things to have on your website, the advantages and disadvantages of working freelance, and her distracting Corgi.   Key Takeaways [:30] Heather introduces Haley and asks her to share the story of how she made her way into production by way of being a rep and going crew side! [5:11] Haley touches on what each of the roles she played has given her both professionally and personally. [6:23] Who did Haley meet on her very first commercial shoot? And you’ll be surprised to find out what her creative outlet is — Heather and Haley digress a little! [7:21] Haley on obstacles she overcame and what freelancing has allowed in terms of freedom from politics; Heather shares her own story in that regard. [9:36] Having freelanced at many different agencies, Haley shares her perspective on the changes and trends she has witnessed,