Anderson Cooper 360

Impeachment Fight; New CNN Polling On Impeachment In 2020 Battleground States; New CNN Pres. Trump's Approval Rating At 43% As Impeachment Vote In Full Houses Approaches; Decision Time; Making History



New CNN Poll: Support For Impeaching President Trump And Removing President Trump And Removing Him From Office At 45%; Opposition At 47%; Showdown Between Senate Dems, Pres. Trump Over Witnesses; New CNN Polling On Impeachment From 2020 Battleground States; Schumer Calls For four Witnesses To Testify In Impeachment Trial Including Mulvaney, Bolton; Minority Leader Schumer: "Trials Have Witnesses"; New CNN Poll: National Divided On How Impeachment Inquiry Could Effect Pres. Trump's 2020 Chances; New CNN Pres. Trump's Approval Rating At 43% As Impeachment Vote In Full Houses Approaches; New CNN Poll: President Trump's Approval Rating In Battleground States At 45%; Disapprove At 52%; New CNN Poll: Voters Divided On Impeachment, Removal From Office In 2020 Battleground States; 46% Yes, 45% No; Democrat From Swing District Makes Decision On Impeachment; Freshman Democrats In Swing Districts Face Critical Votes On Pres. Trump Impeachment; Several Swing District Dems Remain Undecided On Impe