Anderson Cooper 360

Mystery Aid; Impeachment Inquiry; Pushing Back; Impeachment Fury; For Sale?; Presidential Politics



Federal Judge Rules House Dems Can See Mueller Grand Jury materials For Impeachment Inquiry; Federal Judge Rules Impeachment Inquiry Is Legal; Will John Bolton Talk To House Impeachment Investigation?; Why Did Pres. Trump Change His Mind On Ukraine Aid?; Bolton's Attorney Discussing HIs Possible Testimony; Pres. Trump Complains About His Own Unfair Experience In Speech At Historically Black College; Should The Ukraine Whistleblower Testify Before Congress?; Pentagon Papers Whistleblower Daniel Ellsberg Says Whistleblower's Identity And Testimony Not Needed; Ellsberg: Pres. Trump Has "Put A Bullseye" On Whistleblower; Ellsberg: Safety Of Whistleblower "Very Much At Stake"; Trump Organization Open To Offers For Controversial DC Hotel; Pres. Obama's Remarks At Funeral For Rep. Elijah Cummings; Pres. Obama: "There Is Nothing Weak About Being Honorable"; Pres. Obama: "You Are Not A Sucker To Have Integrity"; Giuliani's Accidental Phone Calls; Pres. Trump&