Anderson Cooper 360

Top U.S. Diplomat To Ukraine Testifies; Making Sense Of The Quid Pro Quo; Political Firestorm



Top U.S. Diplomat Testifies Pres. Trump Wanted Probe Of Bidens And 2016, In Return For Ukraine Aid; Testimony From Top U.S. Diplomat In Ukraine Contradicts Earlier Testimony From Pres. Trump's Ambassador To The EU; Top U.S. Diplomat To Ukraine Testifies On Specifics Of A Quid Pro Quo For Pres. Trump; WH: Top Diplomat's Testimony Part Of A 'Coordinated Smear Campaign' By 'Radical Unelected Bureaucrats'; Democrats: Inconsistencies From Ambassador To The EU, Suggest They Might Need To Have Him Speak Again To Committee; Sen. McConnell On Whether Pres. Trump Is Lying About Phone Call: "You'' Have To Ask Him"; Sen. Graham Backs President Trump: "This Is A Lynching In Every Sense"; Pres. Trump Compares Impeachment Probe To A "Lynching"; Revealing Testimony Before Senate By U.S. Special Envoy To Syria; U.S. Special Envoy To Syria Tells Senators Pres. Trump's Decision to Withdraw U.S. Troops Came As A Total Surprise via Knit