Av Esthetics

[11] is your acne really acne?



One of AVs instagram followers sent her a message regarding her brothers suspicion of having fungal acne. With "fungal acne" being the newest condition to talk about, it obviously raises the question, "is his acne really acne?". what better person to ask than licensed esthetician, AV, after her own experiences with malasseezia folliculitis and a severe skin outbreak. AV unveils and discusses the 3 most common skin conditions that present themselves as acne and how to recognize the differences. Listen to one of the hardest podcast episodes to tackle for an esthetician and learn if maybe YOU could really be dealing with something similar. Tune in next thursday at 10 pm for another great episode of skin care, personal experiences and fun.  This podcast is available on all popular podcast platforms such as Spotify, Apple Podcasts and Google Podcasts. Make sure to visit AVs instagram at AV.ESTHETICS to learn more about skin health and self love. See yall next time!