Rivera Radio

Nicki Minaj on Orgasms | Quotes | Daily Dose: 4/11/18



Welcome to my Daily Dose! Quick 'Stories' Style Tidbits of either quotes, rants, musings or questions to YOU! Today's quote is from Nicki Minaj from her Cosmopolitan Interview in July 2015. What's your take on it? Let me know in the comments and don't forget to subscribe to my podcast! Here's the link promised in the Daily Dose: https://www.thecut.com/2017/05/quotes-from-25-famous-women-on-orgasms.html Website: www.vidabeautiful.com YouTube Episode: youtu.be/9pF1H7m-wrU Instagram: www.instagram.com/lavidabeautiful/ Facebook: www.facebook.com/vidabeautiful/ YouTube Channel www.youtube.com/channel/UC7GBu8pgWv9oRY0NIO9-g4g