Trish Chat

Getting Comfortable Being Uncomfortable



In this episode, we talk to Lindsey Frischer about her journey with getting comfortable being uncomfortable. We dive into our experiences with changing our mindset, moving to a completely new environment, and how scary and beneficial it has been to put ourselves out there. Lindsey Frischer (She/her) identifies as an inclusive, queer, aunt, seeker, student, connector, athlete, instructor, entrepreneur and advocate. She practiced law in NYC before leaving everything behind to set off on a transformational journey in pursuit of a more purposeful life.  She reestablished herself out west, in Oakland where she spent 5 years supporting early stage mission-driven organizations, advocating for social justice and Diversity, Equity & Inclusion. She more recently launched her own life coaching practice called New Frontier Transformational Coaching, where she guides her clients through various stages of their journey of self-discovery, helping them to unlock their transformational wisdom.