One Movie Punch

Episode 733 - The Invisible Man (2020)



Hi everyone! Welcome back for another Matinee Monday. You know, trailers usually go one of two directions for me. I generally try to avoid them to enjoy that pure initial viewing experience. Some trailers I get really sick of, really quick. But the trailer for THE INVISIBLE MAN has been nothing short of exciting, especially after being blown away by 2018’s UPGRADE (Episode #155). If you’re turned off because of the SAW and INSIDIOUS franchises, I assure you that today’s film is not that. It’s something much, much more. Before the review, we’ll have a promo from the Honey, You Should Watch This podcast. One Movie Spouse and I had the pleasure of guesting on their show recently to discuss ONE CUT OF THE DEAD, which Andrew Campbell reviewed in Episode #625, and which has become one of my favorite films of all time. You can find them on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram @HoneyWatchThis, or check out all their episodes, including ours, at Don’t miss a single episode! Subscribe t