One Movie Punch

Episode 732 - The Assistant (2019)



Hi everyone! Welcome to March! Things have been super busy around here at One Movie Punch as we begin to wrap up first quarter. This week we’re coming in with a slate of five Certified Fresh films, including tomorrow’s review for THE INVISIBLE MAN, Tuesday’s review of LONG SHOT from One Movie Spouse, Thursday’s review of PORTRAIT OF A LADY ON FIRE from Keith Lyons, Saturday’s review of THE BATTLE OF ALGIERS from your truly, along with today’s review of THE ASSISTANT. Andrew will be back on Friday with his review of recent VOD release AFTER MIDNIGHT as part of his Fantastic Fest coverage. And on Wednesday, I’ll be reviewing ALIVE, a short film from Swedish filmmaker Jimmy Olsson, with interview clips. We’re so busy, in fact, that we actually won’t have a Patreon episode today. But don’t let that stop you from heading on over to to check out our exclusive content, including interviews with filmmakers, update episodes, and series like “One Movie Punch Presents: Zero Percent”, where I re