One Movie Punch

Episode 727 - The Photograph (2020)



Hi everyone! Welcome back for another Takeover Tuesday, and this one is going to be a real treat. I’m not going to lie. Kolby’s been straight teasing me about being on this podcast for about 18 months. Yeah, sure, he’s got his own podcast entitled Kolby Told Me, which you’ll hear about before the review. Yeah, sure, he’s co-host for the Minorites Report Podcast, that drops weekly doses of perspective on popular culture. But, it wasn’t until I sent him the Puss In Boots meme with the saucer-eyes and welling up tears that he finally broke and said he would do it. That’s because we get our guests here at One Movie Punch the old-fashioned way. By guilt-tripping. Kolby will be up in a moment with his review, along with his personal promo beforehand. Thanks for making the time, Kolby! Speaking of Takeover Tuesday, do you think you have what it takes to guest on One Movie Punch? Head over to and learn more about how you can guest here at One Movie Punch. We still have three (3) slo