One Movie Punch

Episode 721 - Turbines (2019)



Hi everyone! Welcome back for another Indie Wednesday review. Before we get started with today’s review, I want to shout out Yolandi Franken for passing along today’s film for consideration. She was also instrumental in passing along last year’s TABERNACLE 101 (Episode #619) and helping to line up an interview with writer/director and microbudget instructor Colm O’Murchu. She’s quickly becoming my gateway into low-budget Australian cinema, especially after connecting me with writer/director Igor Breakenback for today’s review. Thanks, Yolandi! We’ll have a bit of a format switch for today’s episode. Rather than interspersing trailer segments, I’ll be running the full trailer audio up front. Throughout the review, I’ll instead be adding segments from my interview with Igor Breakenback. Be sure to catch the whole interview this coming Sunday on our Patreon page at, where you can also sign up to be a contributor at any level. The interview will be publicly available for a limited time b