One Movie Punch

Episode 709 - Come To Daddy (2019)



Hi everyone! It’s Friday, and Andrew’s bringing the Fantastic Fest fire with today’s film, a behind-the-scenes documentary into the origins of Aphex Twin’s 1997 album, “Come to Daddy”. We’ll get everything from the influences behind the composition, along with the cult music video, which... What’s that? This is a comedy horror film starring Elijah Wood? But influenced by the album, right? No? Right, well, I don’t know what today’s film is about, but Andrew does, and he’ll be up in a minute. I guess I can just shelve this thirty-minute spoken word audio tribute I had ready to go. Oh yeah, be sure to check out Andrew’s recent reviews for THE LODGE (Episode #702), COLOR OUT OF SPACE (Episode #695), and STARFISH (Episode #688). Before the review, we’ll have a promo from our friends at the Pop Pour Review podcast! Every week, the PPR crew review a film, then craft a cocktail based on the movie. I don’t drink myself, but I know a few people that do, and every recipe fits in surprising ways. You can find them on Twi