One Movie Punch

Episode 702 - The Lodge (2019)



Hi everyone! It’s Friday, so that means another Fantastic Fest feature from Andrew Campbell. The festival, in addition to screening the best and weirdest genre films every year, has also become a film market for those same features. And now thanks to whatever clerical error resulted in Andrew receiving press credentials last year, we’re reaping the rewards as the purchased films begin receiving limited and independent screenings, including today’s pickup from podcast favorite distributor, Neon. Check out Andrew’s recent reviews from Neon for PARASITE (Episode #628), BORDER (Episode #480), and BODIED (Episode #383). Before the review, we’ll have a promo from the Ocho Duro Parlay Hour. Every episode, the ODPH Crew covers a wide variety of topics from sports and popular culture, with a little something for everyone. A huge shout out to Ken at ODPH for becoming a sponsor of One Movie Punch. We can’t thank you all enough for your constant support! Let us know what Sponsor Sunday movie review you want as soon as po