Energy Guru

Fixed vs. Growth Mindset



Growth Mindset   Its about the process not just an end result Thrives on challenge Failure isn’t viewed as unintelligence but rather developing character and a chance to learn. It doesn’t define you. Passion for learning Working hard to become the best you Believe in healthy confrontation, an opportunity to learn and grow View feedback as an opportunity to improve Effort to improve Focus on a journey of continuous improvement Fixed Mindset  More end result focused Abilities are innate and unchangeable Believes talents and intelligence or fixed traits (black and white) Talent alone creates success without effort Tunes in when it reflects their ability Tunes out when it challenges them Success is about superiority Instant gratification Failure is viewed as permanent Feedback is viewed as a critical attack Give up Focus on measurable accomplishments   Important links: Follow me on the 'Gram: @marrjennings Learn more about me: Energy Guru the book: