Jerusalem Hub

What is the big idea? EP 20



This week on the Jerusalem Hub Podcast, We begin our business building series. We discuss all about the idea. That spark of initial thought that will ignite your business. Introduction [00:22] Let's reflect on 20 episodes for a bit [1:12] The biz conference [2:51] We are doing a series on how to start a business:[7:37] “The idea” - [7:57] What is a good idea vs a bad idea [10:07] Surround yourself around positive reinforcement/the right people [13:22] Types people who pursue success [24:15] Struggling to achieve greatness [27:43] Tips for pursuing your idea [28:57] At the end of the day what is an idea? [29:28] Our personal ideas [31:13] Stick to your rituals [34:24] Don’t be discouraged by the setbacks [35:05] Summing up on how to pursue your idea [38:12] Our challenge to you [39:13] Outro [40:35]