Jerusalem Hub

Interns, Scent Tech, & LOA | EP 12



This week we introduce our first intern. We talk about new emerging technology, and exploring the law of attraction. Intro music [0:12] Shalom introduces [0:43] Guest interview [1:20] Our guest is number 5 of the Jhub team Gary Waller 3 months since this journey has started [13:38] Look how far we’ve come Run through meeting [21:32] Passover is here! We did spring cleaning and we are coming out with a whole new perspective Because of the our “Spring Forward” we started brainstorming in so many new ways and are coming up with way to evolve our business We learned something new about dealing with a VC and a potential deal Must have a patent And a prototype If you have anything that you are working on you must must must do your due diligence and be as prepared as possible and that means putting in the work We have a new part to our podcast we call it our podcast 2 [30:47] We had a meeting with a law firm about a potential business partnership and the momentum kind of shifted into t