Dear Art Producer

047: Sheri Rosenberg, Writer and Producer



Sheri comes to the show today to share her perspective of having been an art producer and blogger turned brand direct writer. She speaks to the industry changes that propelled her into new avenues in advertising and shares tips for the people out there looking to pivot, as well.   Key Takeaways [:30] Heather introduces Sheri and asks her to share how she made her way into art buying, blogging and writing by way of photo repping, trend forecasting, and forging her own path from NY to Miami. [5:47] The golden age of advertising — amazing hard work! [9:14] A New York girl at heart, Sheri went back to the East Coast and immediately started working freelance and her network enabled her to be successful at it. [11:00] Sheri touches on how experience affects the kinds of jobs you can land as a freelancer; obviously, we all want that great creative contract! [13:34] The future of agency advertising wasn’t for Sheri in terms of production, so she built change for herself. [16:22] Sheri and Heather speak to the changes