Dear Art Producer

046: Amy Shaw, Director of Production and Business Development at Canal Collective



Amy comes on the show today to share her award-winning experience in broadcast TV, digital, and content creation for luxury and beauty brands. She also provides insight into working brand direct and the art of celebrity and social influencer talent.   Key Takeaways [:30] Heather introduces Amy and asks her to share how she made her way into production from being a magazine photo editor to jumping into advertising and proceeding to work for a long list of brands endorsed by celebrities! [9:53] Heather’s dogs make an appearance in the podcast. [10:51] Amy touches on the changes she’s seen at the agency, brand and freelance levels. [12:59] Heather breaks down a timeline of what used to be asked of her in terms of content as opposed to what is being required nowadays. [17:20] Amy currently does mostly brand direct work, she explains why this type of work is increasing as well as how the creative process goes on in-house. [21:32] Getting work as a freelancer unfolds at a different pace, but networking still takes