Dear Art Producer

044: Adrienne Darnell, Senior Integrated Producer at 360i



Adrienne Darnell comes on the show to share her own unique style of production and film photography. She is a bold, fearless, creative museum goth and she shares a wealth of hope and advice for driving your own path in a changing industry.   Key Takeaways [:30] Heather introduces Adrienne and asks her to share the story of how she made her way into production and photography from studying to be an English teacher in Alabama. [5:17] A lot of Adrienne’s current job is to find new talent; she touches on how her own path informs why she does what she does. [8:06] Treatments are super important especially as competition increases. Adrienne and Heather talk about the increasing ask for curated PDF and the labor-intensive bidding process. [11:39] Instagram is a huge tool for finding photographers — that’s where you’ll find the new and the unusual — even if she does do meetings and use books and websites. [14:24] Adrienne talks about commercial shoots with inexperienced photographers, it’s important that everyone be