Dear Art Producer

042: Teri Heyman, Super Secret Tech Company Art Producer



Teri is a producer at a super-secret tech company! She joins the show today to talk about what experiences are priceless in this industry, how to grab her attention and some of the inner workings of her company.   Key Takeaways [:32] Heather introduces Teri and asks her to share the story of how she made her way into art production after initially falling in love with advertising while watching Thirty Something when she was very young! [6:54] Teri touches on the skills she learned in her early career that she still uses today — she mentions the iconic waitressing experience! [9:15] A good accountant person is worth their own weight in gold! [11:20] A surprising thing about Teri is hard to find; she is readily transparent and very direct — what you see and hear, is what you get. [12:00] Teri’s previous roles usually had her in more intermediate-sized budgets so she hasn’t felt the enormous drop in finances other people may have, however, the onset of digital has had an impact on the amount of competition out t