On Digital Media

On Digital Media 129: Pseudonymous



On Digital Media 129: Pseudonymous In this episode, John Federico (@gadgetboy), Steve Hatch (@shatch) and Craig Calder (@ccalder) discuss: Ultralight Startups will introduce new, innovative format at next week's event Facebook launches Ads API The Great Real-Name / Pseudonym Debate (Google+, Facebook) Here's a great piece on the use of pseudonyms by danah boyd Facebook wants real identities for commerce Randi Zuckerberg leaves Facebook to start social marketing firm Web.com acquires Network Solutions for $400 million (down from $800 million, which was down from the original purchase price of $21 Billion. Ouch.) We express our true feelings for NetSol. Foursquare integrates with Klout - your check-ins now increase your Klout score. Do you care? Support this show by getting your free trial to Audible.com by clicking here. Be sure to send questions or comments to comments@odmcast.com and don’t forget to give us a quick review and some sparkly stars on iTunes.