Running Wild With Christine

Ep 72: Erotic Drawings to Fuck the Patriarchy, with Nikki Peck



Welcome my dear lovers and beloved strangers. 72 is about ART and FEMINISM! Oh and of course, sex.  Nikki Peck is an artist, whom you most likely know from her Instagram page @bonercandy69 where you can find all sorts of glorious depictions of women in their realest sexual moments. In her work (and her own perfect words), Nikki illustrates the power and importance of female sexuality as a form of identity, liberation, and freedom from male hegemony. Listen in if you've ever had contradicting thoughts about your place in the world and your existence as a functioning human. None of this makes sense, and that's part of the art of living.  Topics: bisexuality, art & meaning, patriarchy, mental health, self-love, shame fests, subversion of the male gaze,  cognitive dissonance,  fourth wave feminism, porn & censorship, internalized misogyny, dry spells!, critical feedback, inclusivity & messaging, perseverance, nudity AND SO MUCH MORE CRAZINESS. Join us in the rebellion.  For more on Nikki and her work,