Non-digital Native

Example 1 of my strategic planning procedure for digital marketing



This unresearched thought exercise works quickly through my strategic planning procedure which I've been iterating for the past 3,100 days and counting. I came across 16 East Bar and Grille thanks to connecting with one of the staff on LinkedIn. I'm naturally curious, so I checked the website and as a digital marketing strategist I had loads of suggestions for improving the restaurant's digital experience. So I invested a couple of hours into throwing together a working example of how I'd approach their website since the website should be the hub of any businesses' digital marketing efforts. I shared the website link with my new LinkedIn connection but no word what the owner thought of my example, or if they've even seen my example. Get the full episode: https:/./ The full episode includes all of the following: Slidedeck Full video episode Full audio episode Link to the website demo And my story explaining why I chose the POV