Novenas - Totus2us

Novena 4 Life –Day 6- Pope John Paul II's encyclical on the Gospel of Life, Evangelium Vitae - Totus2us



Day 6, Novena - The Gospel of Life - Pope John Paul II's encyclical, Evangelium Vitae: "Quite different from this is the way of love and true mercy, which our common humanity calls for, and upon which faith in Christ the Redeemer, who died and rose again, sheds ever new light. The request which arises from the human heart in the supreme confrontation with suffering and death, especially when faced with the temptation to give up in utter desperation, is above all a request for companionship, sympathy and support in the time of trial. It is a plea for help to keep on hoping when all human hopes fail. As the Second Vatican Council reminds us: "It is in the face of death that the riddle of human existence becomes most acute" and yet "man rightly follows the intuition of his heart when he abhors and repudiates the absolute ruin and total disappearance of his own person. Man rebels against death because he bears in himself an eternal seed which cannot be reduced to mere matter"." Ave Marias sung by Anna Johns