Empowered Empaths

Setting Boundaries: Self Care or Selfish Care



On this week’s edition of Empowered Empaths, Kristin and I discussed the importance of setting boundaries in our relationships with others. Many people think that setting boundaries means that you’re metaphorically standing on the parapet with gun loaded, waiting to open fire on any and all invaders as they approach your post. In that world, everyone and everything is a threat and must be dealt with as such, it is fear based and deeply counterproductive when it comes to having healthy relationships with ourselves and others.Setting healthy boundaries is one of the main tenets of self care, self love and self respect. Since I believe that you can’t give away what you don’t have, I believe that it is vital to cultivate a deep appreciation for who you are, not necessarily because of your accomplishments but because you know you are a sacred aspect of Divinity who is currently inside a human form because something needs doing here and you are the only one who can do that particular thing. We come here with all of