Dear Art Producer

053: Ken Zane, Freelance Art Producer and Curator at AtEdge



Ken comes on the show as the first repeat guest! This episode is filled with tips and advice as well as very thoughtful conversations about the current ways we work and how these can be improved to the benefit of all.   Key Takeaways [:30] Heather welcomes Ken and asks him to share his background from being a photographer to freelancing today. [3:15] Ken shares a little about what he does at AtEdge and he talks about current styles. [7:00] The state of the industry has drastically changed and is poised to keep doing so, Kenneth shares his take on it and the challenges he sees on the horizon, from the rise of social to the extensive range of media formats available today. [11:20] Ken and Heather discuss the importance for a photographer to be clear on their studio capabilities. [12:35] The all-important creative call! Ken shares advice for the softer spoken or timid people: practice, and ask questions. [15:54] Treatment or call first? Heather and Ken chat about the possibility of sandwiching the treatment betw