Radio Cota

Radio COTA #90: Intergenerational Care - A Win / Win Situation, Part 2



This week, Radio COTA Podcast Episode # 90 continues with Part 2 of our Feature on “INTERGENERATIONAL CARE ~ A WIN / WIN SITUATION” We look at the benefits of increased social inclusion, providing mechanisms for strengthening the connections for people who may have become, for whatever reason, isolated from their communities to some degree. Our special guest this week is Dr Lyn Phillipson from the University of Wollongong who has a strong background in researching Dementia and the implementation of Dementia Friendly Communities. Dr Phillipson shares her knowledge, experience and enthusiasm with connecting older people with youngsters through intergenerational playgroup programs, and explains why it’s really a WIN WIN WIN WIN situation for everyone with an involvement in these programs ! So, make yourself a cuppa, put your feet up, and enjoy all that Radio COTA brings to you .. Please send us your feedback and suggestions, we'd love to hear from you ... Email us at ... Your hos