Radio Cota

Radio COTA #87: Phased Retirement - A New Beginning



In this, Radio COTA Podcast Episode # 87, we visit the concept of ‘Phased Retirement’. We continue to explore the reality that planning for retirement doesn’t have to be a painful and scary experience and for many, the idea of ‘easing into it’ is both appealing and logical. For many as they approach retirement, continuing to do some kind of work past retirement age can be either a financial necessity or, for an ever-increasing group of people, a choice based on their desire to continue being constructive in a working sense. It might be because they feel they still have experience and skills to offer an employer and really ENJOY their work, or it could be because they just love the social experience of working in a team and they’re not quite ready to give that all away. We’re joined by our Guest, David Kennedy, author of the book, “End of the Retirement Age: Embracing the Pursuit of Meaning, Purpose and Prosperity”, who is also one of a growing number of Professional Retirement Coaches. So, make yourself a