Radio Cota

Radio COTA #67: Focus on Dementia



This week’s Radio COTA Podcast features Part 1 of our two part Special, “Focus on Dementia” We put Dementia under the microscope to gain a better understanding of, and bust some of the myths associated with, Dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease We look into the signs and evidence of onset, how we can support the carers and families of people who have loved ones with Dementia, and a whole lot more ! Join us as we chat with Maree McCabe, the CEO of Alzheimer’s Australia, plus all the regular features that make Radio COTA THE Podcast for older Queenslanders ! So, make yourself a cuppa, put your feet up, and enjoy all that Radio COTA brings to you .. Please send us your feedback and suggestions, we'd love to hear from you ... Email us at ... Enjoy the show ! Your host, Andy Neil