Zannelli Talks

010 - Begin with the End



what is goood everyone. felt inspired from one of my favorite books and just life in general to share this message. it's definitely something that always helps me when it comes down to making my dreams come ALIVE.  I share with y'all the importance of thoughtful execution. the difference between doing things right and doing the right things. ya feel me baby.  I sprinkle in some analogies, too. because well.. I always do.  many of my friends have said they like this message so I hope they're not lying to me. thank you for tuning into this one and contributing to the growth of this community :-)  If it helps you, share with a friend please! feedback is appreciated, leave a review if you enjoyed it!! youtube - andres zannelli instagram - @andreszannelli & @zannellitalks twitter - @andreszannelli