Zannelli Talks

002 - Confidence + Certainty



in this episode I give my short 2 cents on confidence, certainty in yourself, not putting yourself in a box and a few other things.  my mind is sort of like when you go on youtube for one video about cooking carne asada but go down a black hole of suggested videos and now you're watching Wiz Khalifa give a tour of his house... idk, feel me tho?  I also recorded a visual for this too..BUT, not sure if I will release the entire thing. this is all a project I'm doing and we will see where it goes.  thank you to everyone who is taking time to listen and support! hope my thoughts can assist you with a new perspective on life.  feedback is appreciated, leave a review if you can :) follow me on instagram - andreszannelli follow me on twitter - andreszannelli