How It Stacks

#56 Thundercats (Ho!)



Thunder, thunder, thundercats... HOOOO! In this newest of episodes, the guys welcome a guest host as Scotty White from the Mopcast network steps in for The Professor. Things start off in a way you’ll just have to hear to appreciate as Bulldog AND JD are left with a loss of words out the gate. The team relives some memories of the show as they share childhood experiences and quickly realize that even though they have a guest host that won’t stop them from going off topic. They share who their favorite Thundercat is while remembering what episode was their favorite as a kid. The facts get dropped in the second half of the show as there are literally too many to share. However, that doesn't stop JD from debating a point with his wealth of Transformer knowledge. Scotty quickly jumps in to make sure JD is corrected and for the very first time, there is an argument that JD has no part in. Right?! We’re confused too. All this and a ton more await you in this brand new episode!