How It Stacks

#50!!! The Naked Gun Trilogy



Can you believe it? How it Stacks has done 50 episodes... The best part is, you're still listening. Well maybe, we at HIS understand you may just have this set to auto download but you know what? We're grateful anyway! For the 50th of episodes the gents are stacking... The Naked Gun trilogy! It's a glorious walk down pun town as the terrible three stack the gag driven comedy trilogy that many have not only loved but have idolized, spoofed, and damn near worshiped. The guys all have fond memories as children of this classic but they also have some pretty cool differences about what they remember too! JD kind of blames his weird humor on this topic (as been his trend with a few of the last comedies we've covered). Professor brings the epic facts and knowledge as he earns his stripes for sure. Bulldog makes a lot of good points as he keeps the guys focused, although he does help JD stray from time to time. If you like episodes 1-49,we confident that 50 won't be the one that makes you stop listening! It's o