How It Stacks

#48 Super Mario Bros 2 (NES)



It's a me, Mario… 2! The second title in the prolific series; Mario Bros 2 gets the HIS treatment on this newest of episodes. The guys don’t waste anytime as they live play the game while they record the show. Be prepared for bad language early on this one! The guys go over how America can’t handle the original game and had to get a rebranded version of another game which became what we know as Mario 2 but in actuality is not what originally was supposed to be Mario 2 originally. Confused? Don’t worry they’ll clear that up for you. In a great turn of events Bulldog has a conspiracy theory that might just be one the best Mario theories and the worst part is, they skim over it!! The professor and JD bring some facts on this one but nobody is ready for the Birdo transgender conversation… (Seriously it's a thing). Breakout your NES and play along as the Terrible Trio take on the what some might say is the hidden gem of the Mario series while others say it's a digital turd storm.