Hollywood Late Night With Rocco

Ep45 - A LATE NIGHT GALACTIVATION: Jurassic Jen, Sarah Sunshine, and Rocco feel the Power



Episode 45 at "Hollywood Late Night" heats up with another round table discussion of "Late Night Spitfire", where there are no prearranged topics, and the cast spits out what ever is on their mind! Sarah Sunshine delves deep into the "Hollywood Body", and the pressures put upon actors, and actresses in L.A. to look a certain way. Rocco reassures the cast that, “confidence is key". Rocco leads the cast in what he calls, "adult Show and Tell", for a segment called, "Props". The cast gets one "ring of the doorbell" on this show. Actress/ Comedian; Erin McShane stops by and alerts the cast that the Meter Maids in "Mr. Rocco Neighborhood" take their jobs way too seriously. "Well you can’t park on the lawn, Erin". Erin will be performing at the "Laugh Riot Grrrl Festival” on Saturday June 10th at 8:30 PM. “Jurassic Jen” shows up drunk and is hanging onto her microphone the entire episode, and seems to be fascinated with "blowing bubbles". In her drunkenness we find out all about her urrent state of mind, which is,