Hollywood Late Night With Rocco

Ep3 - Rocco's Ex Crashes the Party. Special Guest, Actor: Jonathan Coogan



Rocco and Moonlight Mike crown Kamila Dolniak, “Rocco’s Biggest Jerk Off of The Week” due to her drunken display on British Airways during her flight to Boston. Moonlight Mike reads the “Weird News”. Rocco and Moonlight and Ben the “One Man Band discuss the news. Some funny commercials this episode. You’ll enjoy “Lightening Bugs Unlimited” and “Sully’s Auto Bath.” Rocco’s Ex-girlfriend crashes the show. Does Rocco make-up with his girlfriend? Rocco, Moonlight Mike, and Ashley jump into the “Hollywood Late Night Hot Tub”. We get to know Ashley a little more this episode as we play, “Heart to Heart”. Rocco also plays one of his favorites, “XXXtreme Close-Up”. You can go to www.latenightwithrocco.com to see the photos that were posted. Doorbell rings repeatedly and Jonathan Coogan shows up. Jonathan Coogan talks about growing up in Hollywood as a child actor and his family being know for beginning the Child Labor Law for young actors called the “Coogan Law.” Jonathan’s uncle is Jackie Coogan, aka Uncle Fester on