March Bradness

Season Two Intro (start here!)



WE'RE BACK! Welcome to the start of March Bradness, Season Two – and welcome, new listeners, because we're using this episode as a jumping-off point so you don't have to listen to Season One (although you're more than welcome to). In this episode, we talk about what Bradness is, our findings from Season One, what the show's all about, and some exciting announcements and format changes for Season Two. It's a rip roaring good time.Journalistic integrity alert: although Sarah said that "Obama follows Jack on Twitter" (@ jh_moore) it would appear that the POTUS of our dreams does not, in fact, follow Jack on Twitter. Sarah swears on her life that this was once the case, and wonders what Jack could have possibly posted about sports to prompt an unfollow.  See for privacy and opt-out information.